EN: The EGEP Programme, launched on May 15th 2008, has closed its activities on July 15th 2011
Promoting gender EQUALITY between MEN and WOMEN in the Euro-Mediterranean Gender equality is a fundamental objective for the States in the Euro-Mediterranean area. They see it as a vector of democracy and peace in a region which aspires to coexistence, stability and prosperity and where the emancipation of women is regarded as a factor of development for society as a whole.
Although the countries participating in the Euromed Gender Equality Programme have adopted the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, several have expressed reservations, often for religious or legal reasons. Progress towards full adoption of the Convention is gradually being registered, however.
» To download Situation Analysis Reports
Action to combat violence against women is a priority for the countries involved in the Istanbul Process. This violence can take various forms ranging from harassment to forms of sexual mutilation that are considered to be traditional practices.Strategies for preventing or curbing violence against women are currently being developed in several countries
» To Download the methodological protocol
» To Download GBV state of play

News |
Woman in the Euro-Mediterranean media: Going out of stereotypes
The training session on the image of women in the Euro-mediterranean media has been the occasion for the journalists participant to make a series of recommendations such as a Charter for journalists on women’s rights and issues, in order to facilitate the emergence of a positive and balanced image.Download the PDF |
A Practical guide to improve the image of women in the media
in the Mediterranean Region
The Euromed Program: Enhancing Equality between Men and Women (EGEP), financed by the European Union, developed a practical guide in 3 languages (French, English, Arabic) for the press:“Women and Media in the Euro-Mediterranean Region” to improve the portrayal of women in the media. Téléchargez le PDF |
The challenge of how to portray women in the media
To improve the portrayal of women and to put an end to stereotypes: this is the objective of the training for journalists on the image of women in the media in the Euromed region, which will take place in Brussels from 27-29 June 2011. Download the PDF. |
Post Event Press Release “Advancements, challenges and priorities for women’s rights and gender equality in the Euromed region
On Thursday May 5th 2011, in Brussels, the Euromed Gender Equality Programme of the European Commission and the European Training Foundation organized the event “Advancements, challenges and priorities for women’s rights and gender equality in the Euromed region”. The event gathered representatives of European institutions, the Union for the Mediterranean, civil society networks, European and Southern Mediterranean countries and independent experts to discuss the advancements and challenges for women’s rights in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia. |
6th issue of “Gender Dynamics”
The Euromed Gender Equality Programme (EGEP), financed by the European Union as part of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), has just published the sixth issue of Gender Dynamics, its quarterly trilingual newsletter (Arabic, English, French). Gender Dynamics is distributed in more than 37 countries in Europe, North Africa and the Near East. |
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